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5 Contradictory Sales Principles

Here are some Contradictory Sales Principals to consider

So many sales people are selling the way they were taught - by people who were stuck in selling the OLD way.

We have all heard the ABC - Always Be Closing, BANT, Spin Selling and more

Here is a some thoughts on 5 contradictory aspects of selling

1. To win more sales, stop selling.

When people feel like they're being sold to they react and can erect barriers. Focus on helping your prospects achieve their business, professional and personal objectives — not making the sale because that is all about you.

2. To speed up your sales cycle, slow down.

The more you push when engaging the higher resistance you encounter. Speak and ask questions slower so they can hear and understand you. Slow the conversation down, go deeper, really demonstrate you care about the person infront of you.

3. To make decisions easier, offer fewer options.

When you increase the complexity of the decision, you decrease the likelihood of winning the sale. To help your prospects move forward, give them less to choose from. Keep it simple—always.

Maybe ask a question like "If you don’t solve this challenge, what kind of difficulties will you face going forward?"

4. Come across like you are being natural when engaging, which means you need to prepare.

Today's buyers have done their research, they are time poor and have more problems to solve. If you're not ready with the right message, questions or presentation, you'll stumble or be stilted in your meeting. When you do prepare, you can be your best self.

5. To differentiate your offering, be the differentiator.

It's not Your products, services or solution that will create the feeling of certainty - it's you. the way you engage, your credibility around understanding them is the difference you make for your customers. Invest time in being even better at what you do.

Want to help your sales people be even more effective? Reach out to us and let’s have a discussion.

Contact us to see how we can help your organisation.