Why there might be no cure for ignorance: Part 2

By Trevor Coltham

In case you missed part 1, you can read it here.

Yesterday, we discussed a little about why some people have a cognitive bias around their knowledge, while others are keen and willing to learn further.

Here’s another way to look at it

Imagine someone decides they want to learn a new skill, for example project management. They pick up a book, read several chapters and use the limited information for a new product launch. It works well in their opinion.

The person feels they have got to grips with the skills required for project management fast. When asked how competent they are, the person might say 75%.

At this stage of the learning process, the person underestimates the size of the overall knowledge base within project management and how much more there is to learn.

If they don’t pick the book up again or seek additional skills they can end up with a false belief in their competency.

Compare the person in the example above to a professional project manager. A professional project manager has done extensive study, years in the field managing different complex projects for a range of different clients and industries.

This professional knows a lot more, and their curiosity, passion and therefore real knowledge help them to have a much better estimate of what they still have to learn.

So, maybe there’s a reason some of the most learned people have a quiet humility about themselves.

It’s way beyond the bravado and ego of the ‘know-it-all’ person because it’s about realising that confidence does not equal nor replace competence. Make sure you can see through the smoke and mirrors when you review and hire new salespeople.

Keen to learn more? Reach out here and see how SG Partners can assist you further with your sales growth.