SG Partners work with your sales leadership and HR personnel (organisational influencers) to design the optimal hiring process for each sales position in your company. We train your managers the skills required to interview salespeople, which differs greatly from interviewing other positions in your company.

SG Partners assists sales recruitment by providing sales candidate screening assessments. These assessments uncover information salespeople would never volunteer in interviews (because they do not know themselves aswell as what we find out about them). Managers then learn the potential weaknesses, limitations and strengths of each candidate so the best salesperson can be hired.

What is the Sales Assessment tool?

SG Partners proudly uses Objective Management’s sales assessment tool to assist our clients with sales screening and recruitment. It is designed to exclusively help you understand your existing and potential sales team members, sales leaders and sales candidates.

Understand how to train, coach and hire smarter with this assessment tool.

The Sales Assessment Tool features:

  • Specifically designed for sales teams, HR and Sales Leaders.

  • Recognised as the Top Sales World for the 9th consecutive year as the #1 assessment tool on the market.

  • 92% of candidates recommended by this tool rise to the top 50% of their sales force within 12 months

What are the Recruitment Process Steps?

Organisational Influencers, Sales Managers and Leaders: When you hire correctly for your sales team, your investment will provide revenue and cultural benefits for your organisation.

Make a hiring mistake, you’ll lose an average of 3-5 times your failed recruit’s annual income.

Here are the steps SG Partners use to assess:

  • Each candidate must have a strong desire to sell and be highly motivated.

  • Each candidate must have a strong commitment and enjoy selling.

  • Each candidate must have sales DNA and have the minimum strengths that support successful selling.

  • Each candidate must adhere to client-specific selling criteria.

  • Each candidate must have proven selling skills.